Jit Goel, XCEL Corp Jit Goel

Simple ways for Enterprises to Implement Cloud Transformation


Cloud transformation is the biggest step taken by many enterprises today. This is important as the transformation to cloud is what keeps the enterprises relevant and updated with the latest technology. In an increasingly competitive digital world, cloud transformation is mandatory for enterprises to stay competitive.

When an organization has decided to undergo could transformation, the first question is how fast can we do it? For businesses not to lose important customers, and ensure continued delivery of products and services, they have to make their transformation to cloud in quick time. So how do enterprises make the transition? Here are few steps for enterprises to consider during their cloud transformation.

Get the UX right:

A major portion of the speed of the project depends on getting the user experience right. Usability issues form a major obstacle to the completion of the project. It is important for business users to provide feedback about the user experience. This will enable quick customization during all stages of development.

Handling Data:

Businesses these days generate enormous amounts of data. During transformation, it is very difficult to manage data due to unorganized and inefficient storage. It is important to categorize data in the right way so it could be retrieved, used, and made accessible at all times. The best way to handle your data is to virtualize it. Virtualized data is easier to handle and use. It also helps with the security and reliability of data.

Adding Mobility:

It is a very important aspect of cloud transition to enable mobility. This enables enterprises to utilize their resources better in terms of man power and hardware. Employees working in different locations should be given the access to data to facilitate better services. Businesses these days greatly rely on their resources placed around the world. These people use various mobile devices across various geographic locations to achieve business objectives. Hence, it is vital for enterprises to facilitate mobility during their transition to cloud.

Establishing Business Objectives:

For any enterprise to undertake successful cloud transformation, they need to establish their business objectives for the project. They have to understand how the transformation would help or accelerate them in achieving their business objectives. The secret is to not try everything at once. Different aspects of an organization’s ERP need to be customized to gain maximum efficiency from each sector of the enterprise.

How is your Cloud Maintained?

Usually cloud infrastructure of your enterprise is managed by the cloud service provider who you choose to work with. When it comes to data recovery and restoration, service providers play an important role as they own and operate everything from hypervisor to hardware stack on behalf of your company. This also makes it important for you to choose the right cloud service provider for your enterprise.

XCEL Cloud Services –

XCEL Corp of Matawan, New Jersey, has helped a multitude of enterprises to enjoy a smooth transition to cloud. XCEL Soultions Corp, led by Mr. Jit Goel has unmatched experience in providing cloud based services. Our highly cost-effective cloud solutions will help your enterprise to transform to cloud quickly while keeping your business objectives intact.

Cloud helps enterprises to leverage their resources, improve efficiency, reduce costs and streamline management with ease. At XCEL Corp, we develop solutions that are unique to each organization to help them achieve optimum efficiency. If you have decided to utilize cloud to benefit your enterprise, choose XCEL Corp to show you the way.

Author: Jit Goel ( President/CEO )

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